The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association


Politics Is What Humans Do
Richard Morgan interviewed by Martin Lewis

Boom Fizz
A View from Vector by Andrew M. Butler

Framing the Unframeable
What does the fantastic bring to the storying of lives? By Gary K. Wolfe

Twenty Years After
The Clarke Award so far, by Paul Kincaid

Air by Geoff Ryman
An Extended Review of the 2005 Arthur C. Clarke Award-Winning Novel, by Andy Sawyer

Bears, Bombs and Popcorn
Some considerations when mining other cultures for source materials, by Judith Berman

Colourful Stories
Fantastic Fiction by African Descended Authors, by Nisi Shawl

Vector Poll: Books of 2005
Results of the annual Vector poll

No More New World Orders
By Martin Lewis

Freedom in an Owned World
Warhammer Fiction and the Interzone Generation

Science and Science Fiction
Turner v. Gribbin

Meetings With Remarkable Men
By Christopher Priest
